I Shared My Down Times To Instagram Stories And This Happened

Paul Marlow
2 min readJan 27, 2020
Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

After pops died, I had zero “look at me” moments in my day to day life.

There was no desire to pull out my phone to open up Instagram and share my fourth hour laying on my bed curled up into a 6'7 ball, staring at the wall.

One night as I lay there, hiding from my roommate, crying silently on my pillow, I thought.

“Why the fuck can’t I share this moment with the world?”

Twenty-one months later and I am still following that statement, and this is what I have learnt.

Someone Will Relate

No matter how big or small your following is when you start posting about the realities of your life. There will be someone who tunes in to the story that will get an emotional connection.

Emotional Connections Create REAL Followers And Friends

Every day we are bombarded with society showing us their highlight real.

“Look at this bomb ass meal I paid far too much for.”

Yet we ALL eat a bowl full of mashed up leftovers to satisfy our hunger weekly, if not daily. That bowl is more than a serving of needed calories to sustain ourselves. It is an instant time travel back to all our youths, having mom and dad putting together that same dish, so nothing went to waste.

Everyone has that story.

People Start Caring About The REAL You

When your life is all beaches, booze and other people’s fast cars, the conversations that occur are when you happen to come across them out in society.

“Hey bud, that last trip looked awesome, where you headed next?”

The interactions change the moment you change what you share.

People you did not know existed on your page will shoot you a DM, asking something about your last post. Others will come in with recommendations on a struggle you have been having.

But more often than not, they will slide into your DM to say hi because you are someone they want to know, someone they want to spend time with, someone they respect.

What you do with this change in your engagement on social media is up to you.

I found a community through my last two years, and am now giving back to them.

Never Alone is here.

Here for you all.



Paul Marlow

A regular guy who overcame anxiety and depression by talking honestly about it on social media. See what Never Alone. Is all about @tallpaulslife